Cafeteria Complex

  The cafeteria complex will greatly benefit our school in numerous ways.  In the first stage of the project, the current music/art room would be turned into a kitchen, where the lunch ladies would be able to provide food for the students in a clean and well lit space.  In this area there would also be a place to sit, there would also be additional seating for students outside where the current caseta is located.  This project would include a second floor as well, where the art and music room would be divided into two separate classrooms.  In the final step of the process, once the Multi-Purpose Centre is constructed which is explained below, the art and music rooms would be transformed into two separate teacher apartments providing more options for our foreign teachers.  

Multi-Purpose Centre 

The Centre will have multiple benefits for the school, including:
    1.    1.  A large covered area so we can still hold events and have P.E. classes during rainy season.
    2.    2.  A large meeting area so there is sufficient space for all students and parents. 
         3.  More space for academic and administrative purposes like classrooms and meeting rooms
If you have interest in helping with these projects please email us. 

  • Library

  • - Spanish children's books, Spanish novels and English reference books. Check out our school's Amazon Wish list!        

  • Other Projects: 
    - Student Scholarship Program
    - Musical Instruments (New or Used)
    - Second Floor for High School Building
    Please consider giving to one of the many projects that need your support!